Consent & Permissions Management

The Teavaro FunnelConnect InfoIdent service enables you to manage cookie consent as well as marketing permissions. Cookie consent capture can be enabled using the consent string for example from a 1st party cookie. Additionally, cookie consent can also be passed via any custom query string parameter to the InfoIdent service. Marketing permissions management comes with an optional notification popup and let’s you define the permissions required. For example analytics data capture, profiling for personalisation and social media campaigns, etc.

You might be using a consent management platform (CMP) from the likes of OneTrust, Didomi, Usercentrics, CookieYes, Sourcepoint, etc. We can configure the service to capture the required consent string from a 1st party cookie, session / local storage, or JavaScript API. This will provide you with a unified view of the consent status within your ID graph and the consent status can be used to decide on data activation.

Marketing Permissions Management

Using the teavaroConsentManager you can specify the consent purposes and marketing permissions with the corresponding controls, text, links, and branding (logo, style). You can also use the API with your own custom notification. The InfoIdent service API lets you POST the specified permissions status and notification disclosure including version. This information is stored against the user’s profile and can also be returned in the response as required by specifying the query string parameters: permissions and notifications. The identifier is by default the umdid cookie set as HTTPOnly first party cookie. Additionally, any other identifier stored in the user’s profile can be specified and the order of priority for the lookup can also be configured in the InfoIdent service API pipeline.

See below sample request setting three specified permissions:

Name Description
CS-OM Consent for Online Marketing audiences
CS-NBA Consent for “Next Best Action” personalisation
CS-OPT Consent for Analytics measurement, reporting and audience profiling

Note: you can extend / update this permissions list as required.

curl ''  \
-H 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*'  \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'  \
-H 'Cookie: umdid=NmVhNTIxMmItZDk1Ny00M2VhLTkxNGUtZDU5ZGNkNzE0ZDcxfDVkN2ViZjUwLTEwMzAtNGVjZi1hZjhjLTFhMjAwZWQxNjJiY3ww'  \
--data-raw '{
  "permission": {
    "CS-OM": true,
    "CS-NBA": true,
    "CS-OPT": true
  "notification": [
      "name": "MAIN_CS",
      "version": 1,
      "permissions": [

The InfoIdent service pipeline will handle required validation and return specified data, which is then stored in fcData local storage and also available via API methods.

Response sample - JSON, specified via out=json query string parameter:

  "umid": "86def240-beff-420d-ae87-ea76b8a84e1b",
  "state": 1,
  "permissions": {
    "CS-OM": true,
    "CS-OPT": true,
    "CS-NBA": true
  "permissionsLastModification": {
    "CS-OM": "2024-06-19T16:17:41.607Z",
    "CS-OPT": "2024-06-19T16:17:41.607Z",
    "CS-NBA": "2024-06-19T16:17:41.607Z"
  "notificationHistory": [
      "name": "MAIN_CS",
      "version": 1,
      "permissions": [
      "date": "2024-06-19T16:17:41.607Z"
  "notificationStatus": {
    "CS-NBA": true,
    "CS-OM": true,
    "CS-OPT": true,
    "CS-UTIQ": false

Response sample - JS varianble, specified via out=js query string parameter:

var fcData = {"umid":"86def240-beff-420d-ae87-ea76b8a84e1b","state":1,"permissions":{"CS-OM":true,"CS-OPT":true,"CS-NBA":true},"permissionsLastModification":{"CS-OM":"2024-06-19T16:17:41.607Z","CS-OPT":"2024-06-19T16:17:41.607Z","CS-NBA":"2024-06-19T16:17:41.607Z"},"notificationHistory":[{"name":"MAIN_CS","version":1,"permissions":["CS-OM","CS-OPT","CS-NBA"],"date":"2024-06-19T16:17:41.607Z"}],"notificationStatus":{"CS-NBA":true,"CS-OM":true,"CS-OPT":true,"CS-UTIQ":false}};