Version 3.0.1


Following the major design, user access and user flow updates of version 3.0.0, a full UX review was undertaken on the updates and further minor improvements made, factoring in testing and user feedback. Further changes to the campaign flow were implemented in both front- and back-ends, and improvements were made to key integrations.

  • Campaign versioning updates in FM BE

    • new implementation for campaign tables

    • updates to API for campaign flow

  • Campaign reporting improvements

  • Improved auto-estimate flow with additional versioning across segment, campaign and channel

    • user changes (i.e. creation of new version) prompts estimate request on save

    • auto-estimate still mandatory on initial version save

  • Campaign Summary and Tables UX redesign

    • improvements made to information layout
  • Profile Summary UX redesign

    • improvements made to tester functionality access and information layout
  • FunnelAnalyst integration

    • dashboard management added to FM application


Campaign Versioning

Rather than utilise an ever-expanding campaign history field, campaign versions are now defined as separate line items, providing a better basis for versioning and associated functionalities. This update had impact upon the campaign flow and thus extensive API updates were implemented also.

Campaign Reporting

With differences in channel activations, reporting views were incrementally improved to facilitate better information display.


While the auto-estimate was included in version 3.0.0, the flow was improved to allow users to bypass the auto-estimate feature for minor updates to segments, campaigns and activations. Please note, auto-estimate will still run for the initial save to ensure that the required estimate is in place for any further step in the campaign flow. With this update, however, new mechanisms to ensure that the required version estimates are accomplished are in place for each step of the campaign flow (for example, a campaign estimate will be initiated if required when the user initiates an activation estimate).

UX Redesign - Campaign and Profile

Following consultation over the FM3.0.0 designs, further work was done to improve the user experience of the user interface, particularly in information display, for the campaign and profile areas. Further work will be completed throughout the version 3 releases.

FunnelAnalyst Dashboard Management

To compliment the dashboard management capabilities implemented in the BE for the previous version, a new user interface was introduced to the FunnelManager application to allow for admins to control individual user access to FunnelAnalyst dashboards. While the current FunnelAnalyst integration covers only Quicksight dashboards, further integrations will be added throughout the version 3 release cycle.

Release: March 2022