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Getting Started

This getting started guide will help you through the main topics from covering the legal basis of data processing, privacy regulation, to enabling the subdomain(s) of the website(s) and app(s) you want to integrate; data collection, and data integration with your AdTech, MarTech, and other systems.

Helpdesk & Technical Support

For any support on getting started including help with integration, technical issues, and use cases, please contact

Setting up a Subdomain

Our recommended integration with your website is using an A record subdomain - fc.yourWebsiteDomain (e.g., as this provides the most robust first party data integration and is not affected by browser restrictions like for example ITP. Alternatively, we also support CNAME records. See setup instructions:

Media & Data Integration

Your Media

We recommend using our Web or Mobile SDKs for user data collection from your media (websites and apps). You can configure what data and from which data layer(s) you would like to capture. Selecting only relevant data keeps the events data lean and makes subsequent data usage easier and more efficient.

Alternatively, you can integrate with our APIs directly.

Your Data Sources

We can integrate data from your data sources via any of the following methods:

  • File ingestion.

  • Data retrieval API.

  • Direct database reader.

Please see our Data Integration user guide.

Your Data Consumers

We can pass data to your systems, for example for analytics tracking and reporting, data warehousing, data-driven campaigns, etc.

This can be done via the following methods:

  • File transfer.

  • Data stream.

  • API (per user).

  • Direct database writer.

See 3rd Party Integrations and Data Integrations.

Legal & Privacy Requirements

Cookie Consent Notification

This documentation provides standardized templates and drafts for cookie consent management within your platform. These templates are designed to help ensure transparency and compliance with data privacy regulations by clearly outlining the purpose, type, and duration of cookies used on your website.

Below, you will find predefined cookie descriptions that can be incorporated into your consent management system. These drafts serve as a baseline and can be customized to align with your organization's specific privacy policies and regulatory requirements.

Each template includes key details such as:

  • Cookie Name – The identifier used for tracking.

  • Cookie TTL (Time to Live) – The recommended default duration for storing the cookie.

  • Type – The category of the cookie (e.g., Analytics, Marketing, Targeting).

  • Description – A clear and concise explanation of the cookie’s purpose, including its role in analytics, personalization, and advertising.

By utilizing these templates, you can streamline the consent process, improve user understanding, and maintain compliance with data protection laws like GDPR and CCPA.

Below you find examples of a standardized cookie policy entry e.g. for OneTrust CMP:

English Version

Cookie Name: umdid
Cookie TTL: 365 days (recommended default)
Type: Analytics, Marketing, and Targeting
Description: This cookie is used to assist with user analytics measurement and profiling for onsite content personalization and targeting across paid and social media.

German Version (Deutsch)

Cookie-Name: umdid
Cookie-Lebensdauer: 365 Tage (empfohlener Standard)
Typ: Analyse, Marketing und Targeting
Beschreibung: Dieses Cookie wird verwendet, um die Nutzeranalyse zu unterstützen und Profile für die Personalisierung von Website-Inhalten sowie für das Targeting in Paid- und Social-Media zu erstellen.

For more details on customization and implementation, refer to the following sections of this documentation.

Cross-domain Data Controller Consent Notification

For cross-domain identity resolution, using for example our Cross-domain Ident or Click Ident solutions, there are various consent and privacy options to consider:

  1. Group company wide consent, which once obtained can be applied across different websites.

  2. Website specific consent, which needs to be checked before IDR can take place. Our FunnelConnect solution allows you to specify this as part of the pipeline setup.

  3. Temporary / session limited cookie, which needs to be confirmed via cookie consent before it can be set with longer time to live. The Cross-domain Ident and Click Ident would work together with our Info Ident Track API, which is called after cookie consent has been obtained.


As pure data processor we are usually asked to adopt the DPA of our client.

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