Click Ident
Click-Ident enables the setting of a first party cookie using a user or customer identifier profile lookup with redirect to a site, opening a mobile app, or making a mobile voice call. Click-Ident can also be used to propagate identity across more than one domain as long as user consent is provided.
Name | Description |
HTTP-Method | GET |
Content-Type | None |
Path |
HTTPOnly Cookie
The API sets a umdid
cookie, which is used as lookup identifier.
umdid=OTBlNjgxZDAtZTEzZi00NTYwLTllYzEtY2Y5NzJlMTlkZjcyfDE1ZDI2NTY4LWVmMzgtNGRiMy05Y2NkLTJmY2YzODI1ODE5Mnwy; Max-Age=31536000; Expires=Thu, 19 Feb 2026 12:18:26 GMT; SameSite=None; Path=/; Domain={your wibsite domain}; Secure; HTTPOnly
The umdid
cookie value is a base 64 encoded string consisting of the following values delimitered by pipe:
Name | Type | Description |
| UUID | The Unified Marketing Device Identifier, specific to a device. |
| UUID | The Unified Marketing Identifier, specific to a profile. |
| Digit | A number between 0 and 2 describing the current profile identified method. 0 = anonymous visistor profile |
Name | Required | Description |
| Yes | The uri value is the destination, which can be a URL of a landing page, location for an app to be opened, or a phone number to be called. The whole value string needs to be URL encoded. Examples:
| Yes | Can be any query string parameter name for the required customer identifier, which should be a hashed or encrypted string. |
[Any other parameter] | No | Other required query string parameters can be added. These query string parameters can be included in the destination uri for example to personalise the destination experience. |
Customer identifier query string parameter names can be freely defined in the pipeline.
HTTP Status Codes
Code | Name | Description |
307 | Temporary Redirect | Successful request returning a redirect. |
400 | Bad Request | The request does not conform to the specification. |
404 | Not Found | Incorrect request method or path or pipeline does not exist. |
413 | Payload Too Large | The request headers are larger than the configured maximum on the server. |
500 | Internal Server Error | An error occurred on the server side. For example the DB access timed out. |
Click to Call
<a href="">Call: +447782324970</a>
Click to Web Page
<a href="">Go to</a>
Click to App
<a href="">Open your FB App</a>
Sample Click Ident URL Builder